
my name is Matt Patterson.

Music lover, gig attender and heavy coffee drinker. Oh, and I write software sometimes too.





IllustratorLinuxServer ManagementAWSMACWINDOWSZSHBASHLaravelSketchCSSAPIBEMWebpackjQueryStimulusPostgresNode.jsGulpReact NativeSVGHTMLPhotoshopVue.js


Visit Website

Op Shop Directory - Ruby, Ruby on Rails, React

An API used to get a directory listing of all Op shops in Australia. There is a corresponding React Native Application coming soon.




Envato - Developer

Working in the customer, traffic team to provide users with a fast and friendly experience when visiting Envato sites.

July, 2018

Bona Fide Design Co - Freelance Web Developer

Building side projects and contracting with a Design Agency called Bona Fide Design Co to offer web solutions on their behalf.

  • Custom Wordpress theme development.
  • Use of modern technologies including HTML5, SCSS, Webpack, Blade Templating.
  • Website Hosting and Server Configuration.
  • Experimenting with technologies including React and React Native.
March, 2018

Copirite - Ruby Developer

Copirite is a Gold Coast based company which specialises in Design, Print, Signage and Web based services.

  • Managed internal systems built using Ruby on Rails.
  • Custom Wordpress theme development for client websites.
  • Configured continuous deployment and performed server maintenance.
  • Proficient frontend development using HTML5, SCSS and Webpack.
  • Experimented with JavaScript frameworks (Stimulus, React) for custom features.
  • Developed and maintained a research foundation website for P.A Hospital in Ruby on Rails with fully custom CMS and e-commerce platform (Stripe and PayPal Integration).
June, 2015

iOnline - PHP Developer

iOnline is a digital agency based in Gold Coast, Australia which provides website design and development services to companies Australia wide.

  • Created and maintained client websites in PHP which integrated with iOnline’s custom CMS platform.
  • Communicated with clients directly and issues bug fixes.
  • Proficient frontend development using HTML5, SCSS and Grunt
September, 2013

Griffith University - Bachelor of Information Technology (Advanced)

  • Advanced learning of C/C++.
  • Completed an additional advanced assessment per semester.
  • Industry Project developed using Laravel and AngularJS.


The birth of Matt Patterson

4 July 1994


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